Powerbank ⚡️ Rental App
iOS ⁕ Android App
Role & Team
- Founding Designer
Things I worked on
- Research
- Interaction design
- Visual design
- Prototyping
- Product management
- Strategy
0 to 1 app for a startup building rental services based in India
Objective was to design a universal app for both iOS and Android for Flumbo, enabling users to rent/pick up a power bank from any Flumbo station using the app.
The primary challenges we faced were related to the fact that the entire product segment is new to the Indian market. Unlike in China, where users are more familiar with rental startups and WeChat mini-programs, cycle sharing is just beginning to gain popularity in India.
We need to ensure that the user experience is as intuitive as possible, similar to popular apps like Uber, Ola, and Ofo in India. It’s also important to simplify the onboarding process and provide support to users throughout the entire transaction.
Unlike traditional bike rental services, our users may be in a hurry to use the service and not necessarily in a relaxed setting. Their phones may also have low battery, so they’ll want to use the service as quickly as possible.